Losing Weight
May Save Your Life!
Is Your Clean Home Killing You?
Have You Considered Becoming a Health Coach?
Now, more than ever before in our history, people are gaining more and more weight and becoming sicker each day and more reliant on medications to stay alive. Many cause even more side effects than the original illness does. But that doesn't necessarily have to be so!
As a Integrative Health and Wellness Coach, I can help you learn how to have real vitality for life with a simple plan on how to reach your wellness goals!
Click here for more information:
I have learned a life filled with real wellness, is not just removing toxins in our foods but it also has a lot to do with removing environmental toxins from our homes. Did you know that environmental toxins can - and do - cause you to can gain weight, develop auto-immune diseases, skin rashes, gut-health issues like IBS and SIBO, cause significant lung damage (as much as what a pack a day smoker ends up with) all because you are using poisons to clean your home? They are also destroying our ecosystems as well!
That is why I have partnered with the largest health and wellness company in the Pacific Northwest and highly recommend their cleaning products. They've been saving the environment, and people's health and wellness since 1985. Not only will your home become clean naturally, but your health and the health of others - including children and pets - will also be positively affected. Believe me, not only will your body thank you, so will your loved ones, home, and our fragile environment.
Click here: https://saferforyourhome.com and contact me for more information.
Choosing to become an Integrative Health Coach through the Institute for Integrative Nutrition was one of the best decisions I've made in my Life.
Not only did it open my eyes to how much I could help change the world by helping others, it taught me about taking care of my own health - first. I was shocked at how much I grew in just one year - Mind, Body and Spirit - and I've never looked back! Live a Life you will LOVE!
Why not take a look for yourself with a free class? Using this link will give you an idea of what to expect and it will also offer you a hefty discount on your tuition for knowing me (I'm an Ambassador for the Institute!)
Click here for more information: https://geti.in/3tXX8J2